Thursday, February 28, 2008

What to do?

Most of you know I only work one day a week now. It has been great and I am loving it. It's nice to spend so much more time at home with Haley.
We went to Kangaroo Zoo with my sister Kim and two of her kids. They loved it and didn't want to leave.
So for all of you stay at home moms....what do you do all day!! I need ideas because I am running out of them and am starting to get board. This is new for me......

Luke, Haley and Brooklyn


Mindy said...

Bored? You're hilarious! Maybe you're just not looking in the right places! Try looking for toddler art or music classes that could be offered at the library or something. Story time, museums, make play dates with new friends, visit the old folks home, organize a party for Hailey and her friends for no reason (or St. Patrick's Day!), visit Jason at work, read a chapter book, or take a mom/child swim class together. Have you looked on the website? Awesome ideas there! WAY better than what I could ever come up with! Have fun and good luck! I'm interested to hear what you two find together!

byufish said...

If I were a stay-at-home mom, I'd probably paint a wall or two! Wanna come over and do it for me since I'm not at home? LOVE the pictures. I feel like I'm so far away now that I'm not in the ward. Maybe we should do lunch...Haley can pick up my mail from the post office. Miss ya like crazy!

nancy said...

I am so happy you are home!!! You will find stuff to do, clean a bathroom, make some dinner, go to Target, ya know fun stuff.

JaMie HeApS said...

that place is a piece of heavin and my kids take the best naps after. it is hard to fill your time with entertanment for the kids, call me and lets have a play date.

Heather Palmer said...

Whatever you do...enjoy it. before you know it she will be in school and you'll be wondering where the time went. that is where I am at right now...finally done working from home...and now I feel like a summer isn't enough time to have her out of school! :(

Anonymous said...

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Stephanie Salmon said...

Yeah, I'm proud to support your office! I just referred one of our new doctors. Hopefully he goes there! Then you and I can go to lunch again. :) Don't tell Bran.