Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Guess Who??

Guess who? That’s right it’s Jason. Isn’t he a hot!! Any one who knows Jason knows he loves this hat that has hair connected to it. He brings this lovely hat out around this time of year, every year.
This picture was taken last Friday in Wal-Mart parking lot. (I know what you are thinking, he blends right in, right?!) We met up with Scott and Miriam and Kim and Russ to head to Lake Powell! The funny part about it was as Jason was helping load stuff into the boat, my sister Kim and bro-in-law Russ had no idea that it was Jason!! We had a good laugh.

Jason is wondering, does he look better with the hair tucked behind his ears…

……or un tucked?

Stay tuned for some fun Powell pictures…the best place on earth!!

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byufish said...

Definitely looks like it's a mullet tucked...and...well...the hat and shirt and all SCREAMS mullet man!! Sorry I missed the party last night (Tuesday). Wish I had a REAL excuse like a bear had gotten into my house and I was fighting it off all night and just couldn't get away...

Stephanie Salmon said...

Oh my gosh, those handle bars are the ugliest things I have ever seen. No offense Jason. But really? What were you thinking?!! Did he have them like that the whole Lake Powell trip? Or maybe they're fake. Please tell me they're fake. :)

Jason and Shannon Salmon said...

Oh those are real and Jason is proud of it!!

Lyndzi said...

UNtucked fo shizzle!

Mary said...

LMAO! That is too funny! Tell him tucked, for sure!

The Brady Bunch said...

My sides are hurting!!!!!!!!!!! I have to vote for tucked!!!!

Sara said...

I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTTT. I'm so excited to celebrate Halloween with you guys.

jamie heaps said...

either way you look damn good jay!!! im so jealouse you hitting lake powell. i hope no patrol people check you guys out to see if you have a toliet, if so tell them you poop in the tent:)
why didnt we get together more when we lived close?

Mindy said...

I SO remember that hat! Definitely ticked behind the ears. Lookin' good! I'm sure Shannon could hardly stop drooling.

Jena said...

That is hilarious! Tell Jason that my procrastinating husband is still planning on calling him. It will happen...or else!